Portada del libro

Da vida a tus sueños

12 caminos para crecer y despertar

Through twelve real stories of people who have experienced a coaching process, the author eloquently and generously reveals twelve key lessons that as humans we need to learn to grow and awaken to our own nature.

An inspiring and accessible introduction to the world of personal growth, Da vida a tus sueños offers essential practices, examples, and questions to evolve as human beings while manifesting our greatest longings.

Portada del libro

Tu vida épica

Una hoja de ruta para tomar las riendas de tu vida y liberar la fuerza de tu propósito

TU VIDA ÉPICA is an essential roadmap for a journey to the center of yourself. . Through the basic rules of your life, the author invites you to ask yourself the existential questions “what is your purpose?” and “how to achieve it?”, guiding you step by step in creating the necessary conditions so that you can respond to them with your mind, your heart and your entire life. In this book you will find practical exercises, poems, exhortations and real stories with which the author has accompanied and inspired many people. As you go through its pages, you will awaken the unique spark that is in you, the reason why you are alive, and you will know in your cells why you are here, what you have come to do and how to do it, so you can give yourself to it just like a hero of the epic genre.

With this practical book you will be able to:
– Discover your unique purpose and carry it out.
– Generate a center of gravity in your life, with meaning and direction.
– Build the interior and exterior architecture to manifest your purpose.
– Create a vision that connects your purpose with your actions.
– Convert the expression of your purpose into an engine for generating resources.

Portada del libro

De la rauxa i del seny

Poetry book

Tot floreix amb la mort a l’horitzó. Adona-te’n.
I tu, com ho fas?

Tot floreix en el dolor, en el patiment.

Florir no és un acte d’il·luminats, ni de criatures sense límits.

És un acte de coratge en la vulnerabilitat.
La valentia d’obrir-se mentre tot s’acaba.
La força d’estimar enmig de la imperfecció i la tragèdia.
